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Can PRP Treat My Arthritis?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a form of regenerative medicine used to promote healing of damaged soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, and cartilage. Concentrated platelets are obtained from your own blood. These cells are essential for tissue regeneration and repair. Through a sophisticated,bio-advanced process, we are able to concentrate your PRP and use those cells to promote healing in a simple, office-based procedure.


PRP therapy for arthritis is most commonly used to treat arthritis of the knees, shoulders, hips, and elbows, but can be used on other joints as well including the joints in the spine. When injected into the affected joint, PRP can reduce pain, improve joint flexibility and function, and slow, stop, or even promote the repair of damaged cartilage.

The following is what you can expect from a typical PRP treatment for arthritis.

  1. A medical professional will draw a small tube of your own blood.
  2. Your blood sample will be placed into a machine called a centrifuge. This machine spins around at an intense speed to separate the different components of the blood. After the components are separated, the PRP is prepared for injection.
  3. Your doctor will use either ultrasound or fluoroscopic guidance to precisely guide the injection of PRP to the desired area.

The entire PRP injection process takes, on average, about an hour from start to finish. Most people can continue their usual daily activities after the treatment. Remember that PRP therapy promotes a healing cascade, so it may be several weeks before you notice a difference in the treatment area.


PRP therapy comes from a patient’s own body (autologous) and it is natural. This makes PRP injections very safe. By stimulating the body’s own natural healing cascade a reduction in pain can be the result of PRP therapy. A common finding in patients who suffer from arthritis is the reduction of hyaluronic acid, which is the substance that helps to lubricate and cushion joints to keep them moving smoothly. PRP therapy can help to restore hyaluronic acid in the joints. 

Many patients have had multiple steroid injections in their joints with only short term relief. Long term steroid usage is not without side effects. Another benefit of PRP is that it is steroid-free.

If your arthritis impacts your daily activities and other treatments have failed, you might be a good candidate for PRP injections. Talk to your doctor today to discuss treatment options.

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