Kyphoplasty Is a Game-Changer in Treating Vertebral Compression Fractures

Kyphoplasty Is a Game-Changer in Treating Vertebral Compression Fractures

A vertebral compression fracture can happen to anyone, especially people with osteoporosis or anyone who’s experienced serious trauma. These fractures cause a sudden onset of back pain and limited mobility that negatively affects your everyday life. 

However, there is hope. The kyphoplasty procedure involves creating space between fractured and compressed vertebrae with a balloon-like device. Then, an injection of a specialized cement helps maintain the space to restore the vertebra’s height and reduce your pain. 

The physicians at Glaser Pain Relief Center perform kyphoplasty for qualified patients with vertebral compression fractures. Here’s what we want you to know about your injury and the procedure.

Who is affected by vertebral compression fractures?

Vertebral compression fractures can affect healthy people who have had severe trauma, like a hard fall or a car accident. Overwhelmingly, though, the injury tends to affect people with osteoporosis. 

Vertebral compression fractures affect up to 25% of all postmenopausal women in the United States, and this population is most at risk of developing osteoporosis. 

In people with moderate osteoporosis, a simple fall or attempt to lift a heavy object can cause a fracture. In men and women with severe osteoporosis, simple daily activities like sneezing or stepping out of the shower could lead to a vertebral compression fracture.

In people younger than 55 with no trauma history the cause of a compression fracture could be due to early onset osteoporosis and rarely more serious causes like metastasis of cancer. Our physicians can properly diagnose and treat compression fractures with vertebroplasty and reduce a patient’s pain.  

Symptoms of a vertebral compression fracture

You may suspect a vertebral compression fracture if you experience:

You may notice that your back pain increases when you stand or walk but tends to lessen when you lie on your back. 

How kyphoplasty works

We find that kyphoplasty can be a game-changer for patients with vertebral (spine) compression fractures.

Before your procedure, we order imaging tests to pinpoint the exact locations of your fractures. An anesthesiologist provides sedation to make you comfortable during the procedure.

To ensure accuracy, we use an X-ray to guide a needle through your skin and back muscles into the bone. We use a balloon-like device to inflate the area and help the vertebra regain its normal shape.

Our physicians then inject the biocompatible cement using the X-ray guidance to make sure the compound goes to the right place. We remove the needle and you’re sent to recovery. Kyphoplasty requires no stitches.

You typically spend less than an hour in the recovery room for observation.  In rare cases, patients who have had kyphoplasty may need to spend the night in the hospital. We encourage you to walk as soon as possible after your procedure to improve circulation and healing. 

Expect to have light soreness at the site of needle placement for a few days. We give you comprehensive after-care instructions including discussing any activity you need to modify to ensure optimal healing. 

To explore whether you can benefit from Kyphoplasty. Contact Glaser Pain Relief Center today by calling the office in Encino, California at (818) 501-PAIN (7246) or by requesting an appointment online via our website.

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