My Sciatica Is Unbearable: Do I Need Surgery?

My Sciatica Is Unbearable: Do I Need Surgery?

It’s fairly impossible to confuse sciatica with other pain conditions. That’s because it causes telltale symptoms that run along the sciatic nerve, from your lower back to your foot — hence, the name “sciatica.”

When sciatica develops, it’s typically due to inflammation, irritation, or compression on this important nerve. It may not be life-threatening, but the symptoms can disrupt daily life.

Common signs of sciatica include pain, tingling or a “pins and needles” sensation, and numbness or muscle weakness. In severe cases, people can even experience bladder and bowel issues.

Approximately 40% of Americans experience sciatica at some point in life. Fortunately, those in the San Fernando Valley can find relief at Glaser Pain Relief Center in Encino, California. Our skilled experts offer comprehensive and cutting-edge treatment options for sciatica symptoms — and you don’t have to wait until they’re unbearable.

If you have sciatica, here’s how Glaser Pain Relief Center can help — without surgery.

Identifying the cause of your symptoms

The first step to finding effective sciatica relief involves an accurate diagnosis. That’s because these symptoms usually start when something irritates the nerve — not from the nerve itself.

Common conditions that cause sciatica include:

Because of these causes, sciatica becomes more likely with age, especially among men between 30 and 50.

Recognizing your risks of sciatica

Next up, it’s crucial to understand what can increase your chances of developing sciatica and having flare-ups. Understanding these risks helps you make the right changes to keep symptoms at bay in the future.

Factors that put you at risk of sciatica include:

Our team can help determine your unique risk factors for this condition.

Using comprehensive treatment strategies

Once we’ve diagnosed the cause of your symptoms and your risk factors for the condition, we can outline a comprehensive treatment strategy moving forward. 

First steps for sciatica relief

Generally speaking, the most effective sciatica treatment plans are not surgical in nature. They include lifestyle modifications, exercise, and physical therapy. These approaches help improve core strength and spinal flexibility while improving body mechanics at the same time.

We can offer personalized guidance on weight management and smoking cessation if needed.

Along with lifestyle changes and physical therapy, our team also offers prescription medications and spinal injections. 

Advanced sciatica treatments

When sciatica symptoms don’t respond to conservative approaches, we could turn to innovative implantable treatments, like spinal cord stimulation (SCS) therapy and Vertiflex™ Superion™

SCS devices offer highly effective results for sciatica by changing the pain sensations going to the brain. Vertiflex also provides exceptional results. However, this method works by creating more space in the spine, which eliminates pressure on nerves in the area.

Both of these treatments have revolutionized the world of nerve pain and sciatica — and they use minimally invasive methods for placement.

Do you have sciatica? Don’t wait for your symptoms to derail your life. Contact Glaser Pain Relief Center to schedule a consultation with our team today.

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