What to Do About Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

What to Do About Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

Surgery often seems like the best solution to eliminate back pain. But what if it doesn’t? Or what if you end up with more problems than you started with? Unfortunately, it occurs more frequently than people expect, especially when it involves more complex surgeries.

This problem is referred to as failed back surgery syndrome. If you experience pain in your neck, back, or leg after undergoing a spinal procedure, you do have options.

The Glaser Pain Relief Center team specializes in diagnosing and treating the root cause of acute and chronic pain conditions, including those associated with failed back surgeries. Dr. Jeffrey Glaser and Dr. John Zheng have the comprehensive pain management solutions that you need at their practice in Encino, California.

Here’s what to do if your surgery didn’t relieve your symptoms.

Work with an expert

First things first: You should partner with a specialist if you continue having symptoms or develop new symptoms after undergoing back surgery.

In most cases, people experience failed back surgery syndrome when the procedure doesn’t solve the specific cause of their pain. The complex and highly intricate nature of the spine makes it possible for the precise problem causing your pain to go undetected. On top of that, some causes of back pain don’t respond to surgical repairs.

However, failed back surgery syndrome also occurs when new symptoms develop.

Several factors can increase the likelihood of failed back surgery syndrome, such as:

Your chances of failed back surgery syndrome also increase if you live with health conditions like diabetes, peripheral blood vessel disease, or autoimmune disease.

The likelihood of a poor recovery following back surgery also rises significantly if you smoke.

Solutions for failed back surgery syndrome

Once our team identifies the precise cause of your symptoms, we can recommend interventional pain management treatments. Sometimes, a single therapy is enough. However, you could have the best results with a combination of methods.

Common management strategies for failed back surgery syndrome include:

In some cases, behavioral medicine or alternative therapies can also offer pain relief for people living with failed back surgery syndrome.

At the end of the day, the most important thing you can do when surgery fails to solve your problems is schedule a consultation with the Glaser Pain Relief Center team right away. With our help, you can get the diagnosis you need to get solutions.

Do you have failed back surgery syndrome? Book an appointment with our team by phone or online today.

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