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Sports Injuries



Sports injuries can happen at any age. But for people who have so much passion for the game they love, they will endure the pain just to play sports. However, injuries that are neglected can worsen.

While we shouldn’t take their heart and enthusiasm for the game they love to play against them, we must warn the injured that they must have their condition checked. Repetitive injuries can lead to recurring conditions, which can take a huge toll on their overall well-being.

Taking a time-off may be suitable for minor or negligible woes, but chronic debilitating injuries will eventually catch up on them. These serious injuries will take away their ability to compete or participate in sports.

When people don’t give themselves the chance to recuperate and heal properly, they are at a higher risk of re-injury, prolonged healing, or, worse, incapacity. In time, this will lead to permanent damage.

If you have incurred a serious sports injury, it’s never worth risking your overall well-being and future in your sport. Know when enough is enough. When in pain, go to Glaser Pain Relief Center. We offer high-quality pain relief that’s focused on bringing relief and restoring function.

At Glaser Pain Relief Center, we understand your sports injuries can be a source of pain, worry, and unhappiness. We know how athletes feel when they can’t participate in practices or compete. That’s why we offer fast and effective relief to get you back to the game.

Rest and ice are not enough if you’ve incurred a serious injury. When in need for comprehensive sports medicine, come to Glaser Pain Relief Center. Call us at 818-501-PAIN (7246) or use our Patient Portal to arrange your one-on-one time with our board-certified pain management specialist Dr. Jeffrey B. Glaser.


Glaser Pain Relief Center
16311 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 518
San Fernando Valley

Encino, CA 91436
Phone: 818-501-7246
Fax: 818-501-7247

Office Hours

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